2: Have a Purpose

Historically, the Grand Tour was a traditional trip through Europe to study Classical architecture, a rite of passage for the young architect. An analogous tour for an Architecture student like me in today’s modern, global context is both strikingly similar yet completely different in purpose.

I am doing an Architectural Summer Studio in Guardamar de Segura, Spain, because it will be my Grand Tour to support my educational and career goals.

Studying at UC Berkeley has shown me how internationally connected the architectural profession is, which makes understanding other countries’ histories and cultures increasingly important. This is especially urgent in a world where attention to sustainability in environmental design is a global concern because it affects everyone on the planet. My education in Spain will provide a global understanding of the world, a competitive characteristic especially in these economic times. This new understanding will benefit my career because I will be able to approach design problems in different ways and use my experience to start to create a global network that connects me to architects in other countries. 


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