Final Review

The day has finally come. 

...and gone!

I'm exhausted, but a good kind of exhausted. Today was a lot of running around, getting everyone's mylars and models to the exhibition space. We pinned up in the new music school building, a very modern-looking building with no signs. Naomi and I have come across it a few times and didn't know what it was for. 

Our room, thankfully, had air conditioning, but the rest of the building did not! It was a struggle to go to the restroom. 

We started late, so the only reviewer that showed up on time had left by the time we'd finished pinning up. It was frustrating to sit and wait, but we got to relax. Two groups presented on the first day--Water and Earth--so the two groups that weren't presenting--Air and Fire--ran back to the Pension to get the bocadillos that Vicente and the kitchen crew had ready for us. I don't think I'll be able to eat another sandwich for a very, very long time. 

After lunch, we finally began reviews. Naomi went first!!! I was the designated timer. I kept changing the amount of time each person was allotted to try to make sure we could get to everyone by 6PM. Sometimes, I wasn't sure if the reviewers knew what the loud buzzer meant. It could have been someone's phone randomly going off, for all they knew. But Alex kept the reviews rolling at a good pace.

Before I knew it, it was my turn--I went first for Earth! I had to explain the program because it's different from the Water program. I told myself that this was my very last final review* and that I would do well. And do well I did! I combined Guardamar's history and my experience of the city and the Rio Segura to design a complex of buildings and walkways. I felt really accomplished at the end of my review! I felt empowered, like my ideas could really be turned into reality. 

The rest of the day was a blur! I'm really relieved that my review is over. There's one more day of reviews tomorrow, and then this summer studio is over. 

*Last review of my undergraduate career, at least! 


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